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src Directory Reference


file  absobj.cpp
 Implementation of AbsObj class.
file  absobj.h
 Header file for AbsObj class.
file  cam.cpp
 Implementation of cam class.
file  cam.h
 Header file for cam class.
file  file.cpp
 Implementation for the FileConfig class.
file  file.h
 The header for the FileConfig class, and configuration-related typedefs.
file  gameobjs.cpp
 Implementation of all the in-game objects that may or may not be kept.
file  gameobjs.h
 Headers for all the objects based on AbsObj.
file  graviton.cpp
 Contains the main loop of the game.
file  levels.cpp
 Any and all levels should appear as functions in here.
file  levels.h
 This contains the headers for the predefined levels.
file  maths.h
 Some global maths constants and routines.
file  matrix4x4.cpp
 Implementation of the Matrix4x4 class.
file  matrix4x4.h
 Header file for Matrix4x4 class.
file  menu.cpp
 Drawing menu, including fonts and stuff.
file  menu.h
 Header for all stuff menu related.
file  obj.cpp
 Implementation of Obj class.
file  obj.h
 The header for the obj class.
file  physics.cpp
 Physical coefficients defined here.
file  physics.h
 The header file for the Physics class.
file  tritype.cpp
 Implementation of the triangle class.
file  tritype.h
 The header for the tritype class.
file  vec4.cpp
 Implementation of vector class.
file  vec4.h
 The implementation of the vector class.

Generated on Mon Jan 3 15:14:20 2005 for Graviton by  doxygen