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gameobjs.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Headers for all the objects based on AbsObj.

They may not hang around.

#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "absobj.h"
#include "matrix4x4.h"
#include "vec4.h"

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class  Grid
 Grid object. More...
class  Particle
 Particle object - exhaust. More...
class  Bullet
 Bullet object. More...
class  Light
 A light object. More...
class  Ship
 The ship object. More...
class  Wall
 A boxy wall type object. More...


typedef vector< ParticleShipExhaust
 List of particles, or one exhaust.
typedef vector< BulletShipBullet
 List of bullets belonging to a particular ship.


const int EXHAUSTSIZE = 300
 Size of the exhaust field.
const int BULLETNUM = 30
 This might be made user configurable (or within a maximum).

Typedef Documentation

typedef vector<Bullet> ShipBullet

List of bullets belonging to a particular ship.

We don't particularly care who the bullets belong to. Perhaps eventually they will be directly added to some global vector.

Generated on Mon Jan 3 15:14:19 2005 for Graviton by  doxygen